In-app subscription revenue analytics
Available Charts
Available data: revenue after refunds, refunds. All metrics are before deducting the App Stores' commission.

Sales - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
Available data: net revenue (after refunds), refunds. All metrics are after deducting the App Stores' commission.

Proceeds - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
Quickly analyse your refunds by product, country, or any other segment.

Refunds - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
The Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) chart shows the normalized monthly revenue from all active subscriptions for the selected dates. The MRR chart includes only subscriptions with auto-renewal turned on. For normalizing subscriptions' prices to a month, we use the following multiples depending on a subscription duration:
- Weekly subscription multiple: 4.35,
- Monthly subscription multiple: 1.0,
- Two months subscription multiple: 0.5,
- Three months subscription multiple: 0.33,
- Six months subscription multiple: 0.166,
- Annual subscriptions multiple: 0.083.
The chart's title shows your MRR at the end of the selected period. The percentage reflects the change in monthly recurring revenue during the selected period.
In the example below, MRR equals $120,711 on the 31st of May. That is 68.58% higher than on the 1st of May.

MRR - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
MRR Movement
MRR Movement helps you understand how subscriber base changes affect your monthly recurring revenue over time. This chart shows the revenue change caused by new paid subscriptions (above zero), and churned or cancelled subscriptions (below zero), i.e., expired, refunded or cancelled subscriptions.
The chart's title shows the net recurring revenue during the selected period; the percentage shows how this value changed compared to the previous period of the same length.
In the example below, the MRR increased by $48,106, which is 61.88% higher than the growth in the previous period of the same length (31 days).

MRR Movement - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
The Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) chart shows the normalized annual revenue from all active subscriptions for the selected dates. It works the same way as MRR above, except that the revenue is normalized by 12 months.

ARR - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
ARR Movement
The Annual Recurring Revenue Movement chart works the same way as MRR Movement, except that the revenue is normalized by 12 months.

ARR Movement - Mobile Analytics - Qonversion
Updated 4 days ago