iOS 5.+ migration guide


In this major version, we have renamed several entities and public methods to make our namings more clear. To make everything work just change all the occurrences from the left column of the table below to the new ones.

Before upgradeAfter upgrade
QONProperty (swift - Qonversion.Property)QONUserPropertyKey (swift - Qonversion.UserPropertyKey)

User properties changes

In addition to the above renamings we have added a new class QONUserProperty, containing both the property key and its value. This class will be used in the new Qonversion method userProperties, which will return all the properties set for the current user.

Qonversion.shared().userProperties({ userProperties, error in
  if let error = error {
    // Handle error
  userProperties?.properties.forEach({ userProperty in
    print("User property: ", "key: ", userProperty.key, ", value: ", userProperty.value)
[[Qonversion sharedInstance] userProperties:^(QONUserProperties * _Nullable userProperties, NSError * _Nullable error) {
  if (error) {
    // Handle error

  [ enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(QONUserProperty * _Nonnull userProperty, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
    NSLog(@"User property: key: %@, value: %@", userProperty.key, userProperty.value);

QUserProperties class returned as the successful result of userProperties contains several useful fields and methods to get all the types of properties you may want:

propertiesList of all user properties
definedPropertiesSubset of all user properties, which were set using Qonversion-defined keys
customPropertiesSubset of all user properties, which were set using custom keys
flatPropertiesMapA flattened version of all user properties as a key-value map
flatDefinedPropertiesMapA flattened version of defined user properties as a key-value map
flatCustomPropertiesMapA flattened version of custom user properties as a key-value map
propertyForKeykey - stringSearches for a property with the given property key in all properties list
definedPropertyForKeykey - QONUserPropertyKeySearches for a property with the given Qonversion-defined property key in the defined properties list.

The last change here is that we've enriched QONUserPropertyKey enum with several values:

  • added new property keys FacebookAttribution and AppSetId, which is used on Android but can be received on iOS due to cross-platform user management;
  • added a Custom key to represent all the custom properties.