Send in-app subscription and purchases events to AppMetrica
Qonversion sends subscription events to AppMetrica to help you match your users' behavior with their payment history and inform your product decisions.
1. Setup the SDKs
Make sure you have AppMetrica SDK installed. More about the AppMetrica SDKs read here.
Set Qonversion SDK by following installing the SDK guide.
To attribute sent from Qonversion events to a particular AppMetrica user, set AppMetrica Device ID:
let completionBlock: (String?, Error?) -> Void = { deviceId, error in if let error = error { // Handle error here } else if let deviceId = deviceId { Qonversion.shared().setUserProperty(.appmetricaDeviceId, value: deviceId) } } // Specify the dispatch queue on which you want to execute the completion block, main queue as an example let queue = DispatchQueue.main // Use the main queue as an example YMMYandexMetrica.requestAppMetricaDeviceID(withCompletionQueue: queue, completionBlock: completionBlock)
YMMAppMetricaDeviceIDRetrievingBlock completionBlock = ^(NSString * _Nullable deviceId, NSError * _Nullable error) { if (error) { // Handle error here } else { [[Qonversion sharedInstance] setUserProperty:QONUserPropertyKeyAppMetricaDeviceId, value: deviceId]; } }; // Specify the dispatch queue on which you want to execute the completion block, main queue as an example dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); [YMMYandexMetrica requestAppMetricaDeviceIDWithCompletionQueue:queue completionBlock:completionBlock];
StartupParamsCallback startupParamsCallback = new StartupParamsCallback() { @Override public void onReceive(@Nullable Result result) { if (result != null) { // Note, that `deviceIdHash` is used, not `deviceId` Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.AppMetricaDeviceId, result.deviceIdHash); } } @Override public void onRequestError(@NonNull Reason reason, @Nullable Result result) { // ... } }; AppMetrica.requestStartupParams( this, startupParamsCallback, Arrays.asList( // Note, that `APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID_HASH` is used, not `APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID` StartupParamsCallback.APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID_HASH ) );
val startupParamsCallback = object : StartupParamsCallback { override fun onReceive(result: StartupParamsCallback.Result?) { // Note, that `deviceIdHash` is used, not `deviceId` result?.deviceIdHash?.let { Qonversion.shared.setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.AppMetricaDeviceId, it) } } override fun onRequestError( reason: StartupParamsCallback.Reason, result: StartupParamsCallback.Result? ) { // Handle error here } } AppMetrica.requestStartupParams( this, startupParamsCallback, listOf( // Note, that `APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID_HASH` is used, not `APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID` StartupParamsCallback.APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID_HASH ) )
String deviceId = await AppMetrica.requestAppMetricaDeviceID(); Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.appMetricaDeviceId, deviceId);
AppMetrica.requestAppMetricaDeviceID((deviceId, reason) => { if (deviceId) { Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(UserPropertyKey.APP_METRICA_DEVICE_ID, deviceId); } else { // Handle error here } });
AppMetrica.Instance.RequestAppMetricaDeviceID((deviceId, error) => { if (error != null) { // Handle error here } else { Qonversion.GetSharedInstance().SetUserProperty(UserPropertyKey.AppMetricaDeviceId, deviceId); } });
(Optionally) To improve attribution quality, set the same user ID to AppMetrica and Qonversion SDKs:
YMMYandexMetrica.setUserProfileID("yourSideUserID") Qonversion.shared().setUserProperty(.appMetricaUserProfileId, value: "yourSideUserID")
[YMMYandexMetrica setUserProfileID:@"yourSideUserID"]; [[Qonversion sharedInstance] setUserProperty:QONUserPropertyKeyAppMetricaUserProfileId, value: @"yourSideUserID";
AppMetrica.setUserProfileID("yourSideUserID"); Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.AppMetricaUserProfileId, "yourSideUserID");
AppMetrica.setUserProfileID("yourSideUserID") Qonversion.shared.setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.AppMetricaUserProfileId, "yourSideUserID")
await AppMetrica.setUserProfileID('yourSideUserID'); Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(QUserPropertyKey.appMetricaUserProfileId, 'yourSideUserID');
AppMetrica.setUserProfileID('yourSideUserID'); Qonversion.getSharedInstance().setUserProperty(UserPropertyKey.APP_METRICA_USER_PROFILE_ID, 'yourSideUserID');
AppMetrica.Instance.SetUserProfileID("yourSideUserID"); Qonversion.GetSharedInstance().SetUserProperty(UserPropertyKey.AppMetricaUserProfileId, "yourSideUserID");
2. Configure the AppMetrica integration
Navigate to your AppMetrica dashboard, select Settings and collect the following keys:
- Application ID. It can be found right below the Application name in the General tab.
- Post API key. It can be found in the General settings section as well.

- Navigate to the Integrations section of your Qonversion project, select AppMetrica, provide the Application ID and Post API key, and click Save.

- You can use the default event names provided by Qonversion or change them as you need.
→Read more about tracked events here
Now Qonversion starts sending in-app purchases and subscription data to your AppMetrica account.
Event Payload
In case you need details about data sent to AppMetrica, follow the example below:
"post_api_key": "your_post_api_key",
"application_id": "your_application_id",
"revenue_event_type": "example_event_type",
"event_timestamp": "1707206995",
"product_id": "example_product_id",
"app_package_name": "",
"appmetrica_device_id": "8f65b16df378e7a6bece9614e1530fb55",
"price": "19.99",
"currency": "USD",
"transaction_id": "example_transaction_id",
"order_id": "example_order_id",
"ios_ifa": "example_advertising_id_for_ios",
"google_aid": "example_advertising_id_for_android",
"os_name": "iOS",
"os_version": "15.0",
"device_model": "iPhone13,2",
"device_locale": "en_US",
"app_version_name": "1.0.0"
Updated 4 days ago