App Store Promoted Purchases

Promoting Your In-App Purchases on the App Store Page and Search Results

Promoted in-app purchases appear on your app page and can be displayed in search results. App Store promoted purchases are enabled by default. If a user starts an in-app purchase from the App Store, the purchase flow begins when a user opens your app.


Kindly note that the scenario described below is related only to the iOS platform.


Set delegate

If you need additional logic, set QNPromoPurchasesDelegate.

[[Qonversion sharedInstance] setPromoPurchasesDelegate:self];

Add the following function to handle promoted purchases

func shouldPurchasePromoProduct(withIdentifier productID: String, executionBlock: @escaping Qonversion.PromoPurchaseCompletionHandler) {
    // check AppStore productID value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
    let completion: Qonversion.PurchaseCompletionHandler = {result, error, flag in
      // handle the purchased product or error
    // call this block if you want to allow promoted purchase or just store block and call when needed
    // do nothing and do not call block if you don't want to allow purchase
- (void)shouldPurchasePromoProductWithIdentifier:(NSString *)productID executionBlock:(QNPromoPurchaseCompletionHandler)executionBlock {
  // check AppStore productID value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
  QNPurchaseCompletionHandler completion = ^(NSDictionary<NSString *, QNPermission*> *result, NSError  *_Nullable error, BOOL cancelled) {
    // handle purchased product or error
  // call this block if you want to allow promo purchase or just store block and call when needed
  // do nothing and do not call block if you don't want to allow purchase


Listen to the promo purchase stream

Qonversion.promoPurchasesStream emits AppStore productID whenever a promoted purchase flow is triggered. Listen to the stream to handle promoted purchases.

StreamSubscription<String> _promoPurchasesStream;
_promoPurchasesStream = Qonversion.getSharedInstance().promoPurchasesStream.listen((productID) async {
	// check AppStore productID value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
	// call `Qonversion.promoPurchase` if you want to allow promoted purchase or just store productID and call when needed
	// don't call `Qonversion.promoPurchase` if you don't want to allow purchase

Complete the purchase

Call Qonversion.promoPurchase when you want to initialize the purchase (for example, immediately after the onboarding screens) and pass the AppStore productID as the parameter. Alternatively, call this method immediately on the app start.

try {
  final entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().promoPurchase(productID);
  // handle entitlements here
} catch (e) {
  // handle error here

React Native and Cordova

Listen to promo purchases events

Provide PromoPurchasesDelegate to get notified whenever a promoted purchase flow is triggered.

    onPromoPurchaseReceived: async (productId, promoPurchaseExecutor) => {
        // check AppStore productId value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
        // call `promoPurchaseExecutor` if you want to allow promoted purchase or just store productId and executor and call it when needed
        // don't call `promoPurchaseExecutor` if you don't want to allow purchase
    onPromoPurchaseReceived: async (productId, promoPurchaseExecutor) => {
        // check AppStore productId value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
        // call `promoPurchaseExecutor` if you want to allow promoted purchase or just store productId and executor and call it when needed
        // don't call `promoPurchaseExecutor` if you don't want to allow purchase

Complete the purchase

Call the promoPurchaseExecutor provided to the delegate right in the delegate method or later when you want to initialize the purchase (for example, immediately after the onboarding screens) and pass the AppStore productId as the parameter.

try {
    const entitlements = await promoPurchaseExecutor(productId);
    // handle entitlements here
} catch (e) {
    // handle error here
try {
    const entitlements = await promoPurchaseExecutor(productId);
    // handle entitlements here
} catch (e) {
    // handle error here


Handle events

Qonversion.PromoPurchasesReceived sends the event when a user initiates a promotional in-app purchase from the App Store. Declare a delegate to handle promo purchases. Promo purchases will proceed automatically if you are not using thePromoPurchasesReceived event.

Qonversion.GetSharedInstance().PromoPurchasesReceived += HandlePromoPurchases;

private void HandlePromoPurchases(string appStoreProductId, StartPromoPurchase startPromoPurchase)
    // check AppStore productID value in case you want to enable promoted purchase only for specific products
    // call `startPromoPurchase` if you want to allow promoted purchase or just store productID and call when needed
    // don't call `startPromoPurchase` if you don't want to allow purchase

Complete the purchase

Call startPromoPurchase when you want to initialize the purchase (for example, immediately after the onboarding screens).

startPromoPurchase((entitlements, error) =>
    if (error == null)
        if (entitlements.TryGetValue("premium", out Entitlement premium) && premium.IsActive)
            // Handle the active entitlement here
        // Handle the error  
        Debug.Log("Error" + error.ToString());