Upgrade and Downgrade in Google

When upgrading or downgrading a subscription, you can set the update policy, or how the change affects your subscribers. The following table lists available update policies:

ChargeFullPriceThe new plan takes effect immediately, and the user is charged full price of new plan and is given a full billing cycle of subscription, plus remaining prorated time from the old plan.
ChargeProratedPriceThe new plan takes effect immediately, and the billing cycle remains the same.
WithTimeProrationThe new plan takes effect immediately, and the remaining time will be prorated and credited to the user.
DeferredThe new purchase takes effect immediately, the new plan will take effect when the old item expires.
WithoutProrationThe new plan takes effect immediately, and the new price will be charged on next recurrence time.

Upgrading, downgrading, or changing a subscription on Google Play Store requires calling the updatePurchase function.

See Google Play Documentation for more details.

Use Qonversion SDK for upgrading, downgrading, or changing Google Play Store subscription:

final QPurchaseOptions purchaseOptions = new QPurchaseOptions.Builder()
Qonversion.getSharedInstance().purchase(this, newProduct, purchaseOftions, new QonversionEntitlementsCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(@NotNull Map<String, QEntitlement> entitlements) {
        QEntitlement premiumEntitlement = entitlements.get("premium");

        if (premiumEntitlement != null && premiumEntitlement.isActive()) {
            // Handle active entitlement here

    public void onError(@NotNull QonversionError error) {
        // Handle error here
val purchaseOptions = QPurchaseOptions.Builder()
Qonversion.shared.purchase(this, newProduct, purchaseOptions, callback = object: QonversionEntitlementsCallback {
    override fun onSuccess(entitlements: Map<String, QEntitlement>) {
        val premiumEntitlement = entitlements["premium"]
        if (premiumEntitlement != null && premiumEntitlement.isActive) {
            // Handle active entitlement here

    override fun onError(error: QonversionError) {
        // Handle error here
try {
  final QPurchaseUpdateModel purchaseUpdateModel = product.toPurchaseUpdateModel('oldProductId');
  final Map<String, QEntitlement> entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().updatePurchase(purchaseUpdateModel);
} catch (e) {
try {
  const purchaseUpdateModel: PurchaseUpdateModel = product.toPurchaseUpdateModel('oldProductId');
  const entitlement: Map<string, Entitlement> = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().updatePurchase(purchaseUpdateModel);
} catch (e) {
PurchaseUpdateModel purchaseUpdateModel = product.ToPurchaseUpdateModel("oldProductId");
Qonversion.GetSharedInstance().UpdatePurchase(purchaseUpdateModel, (entitlements, error, isCancelled) =>
    if (error == null)
          if (permissions.TryGetValue("premium", out Entitlement premium) && premium.IsActive)
             // Handle the active entitlement here
        // Handle the error  
        Debug.Log("Error" + error.ToString());
try {
  const purchaseUpdateModel = product.toPurchaseUpdateModel('oldProductId');
  const entitlement = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().updatePurchase(purchaseUpdateModel);
} catch (e) {
try {
  const purchaseUpdateModel: PurchaseUpdateModel = product.toPurchaseUpdateModel('oldProductId');
  const entitlement: Map<string, Entitlement> = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().updatePurchase(purchaseUpdateModel);
} catch (e) {