Google Play Data Safety

The Data safety section on Google Play is a simple way for you to help people understand what user data your app collects or shares, as well as showcase your app’s key privacy and security practices.

You need to provide to Google the information about how your application collects and handles user data including all the libraries you use in the app.

We have prepared a short guide on data that Qonversion collects to help you provide the required information to Google Play.

Data collection and security


Data types

Below is the list of the data types that Google requires to report. We have indicated if Qonversion collects any specific type of data.

Data Type



Not collected by Qonversion

Health and Fitness

Not collected by Qonversion

Photos and Videos

Not collected by Qonversion

Files and Docs

Not collected by Qonversion


Not collected by Qonversion


Not collected by Qonversion

User Content

Not collected by Qonversion

Browsing History

Not collected by Qonversion

Search History

Not collected by Qonversion

App Info and Performance

Not collected by Qonversion

Web Browsing

Not collected by Qonversion

Contact Info

Not collected by Qonversion.

  • *You can choose to use Qonversion User Properties
    to store user name, email,
    and other contact information.**

Financial Info

Qonversion collects App Stores purchases history

Personal Info and Identifiers

Qonversion collects User ID and Device ID.

Other Data

Qonversion collects data on device OS, make, model, and resolution.

Data usage and handling

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