Subscription Status
Check subscription status and manage user access
You can check subscription status and manage user access to the premium content on your app by checking user entitlements with the checkEntitlements()
Entitlement is access to the premium features of your application.
→ Read more about creating and using entitlements here.
You need to call the checkEntitlements()
method at the start of your app to check if a user has the required entitlement. This method will check the user's receipt and return current entitlements.
In addition, Qonversion can manage cross-platform entitlements with the User Identity concept (e.g. after your users subscribe using the IOS app, you can use Qonversion to check their entitlements in your Android or Web applications)
Qonversion SDK caches all required data on products, offerings, and entitlements. The data is still immediately available when the internet connection is lost, or there are server-side delays.
Note, please, that the entitlement object is available only in case the user has made a purchase, or you granted the entitlement manually using the Customer tab or Grant Entitlement API. In other cases, you will receive an empty result.
Qonversion.shared().checkEntitlements { (entitlements, error) in
if let error = error {
// handle error
if let premium: Qonversion.Entitlement = entitlements["premium"], premium.isActive {
switch premium.renewState {
case .willRenew, .nonRenewable:
// .willRenew is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
// .nonRenewable is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case .billingIssue:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case .cancelled:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
default: break
[[Qonversion sharedInstance] checkEntitlements:^(NSDictionary<NSString *, QONEntitlement *> * _Nonnull entitlements,
NSError * _Nullable error) {
QONEntitlement *premiumEntitlement = entitlements[@"premium"];
if (premiumEntitlement && premiumEntitlement.isActive) {
switch (premiumEntitlement.renewState) {
case QONEntitlementRenewStateWillRenew:
case QONEntitlementRenewStateNonRenewable:
// QONEntitlementRenewStateWillRenew is state for auto-renewable purchases
// QONEntitlementRenewStateNonRenewable is state for in-app purchases that unlock the entitlement lifetime
case QONEntitlementRenewStateBillingIssue:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case QONEntitlementRenewStateCancelled:
// The user canceled the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with some special offer.
Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements(new QonversionEntitlementsCallback() {
public void onSuccess(@NotNull Map<String, QEntitlement> entitlements) {
final QEntitlement premiumEntitlement = entitlements.get("premium");
if (premiumEntitlement != null && premiumEntitlement.isActive()) {
// handle active entitlement here
// also you can check renew state if needed
// for example to check if user has canceled subscription and offer him a discount final QEntitlement.Product.Subscription subscription = premiumEntitlement.getProduct().getSubscription();
switch (premiumEntitlement.getRenewState()) {
// NonRenewable is the state of a consumable or non-consumable in-app purchase
case WillRenew:
// WillRenew is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
case BillingIssue:
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case Canceled:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
default: break;
public void onError(@NotNull QonversionError error) {
// handle error here
Qonversion.shared.checkEntitlements(object: QonversionEntitlementsCallback {
override fun onSuccess(entitlements: Map<String, QEntitlement>) {
val premiumEntitlement = entitlements["premium"]
if (premiumEntitlement != null && premiumEntitlement.isActive) {
// handle active entitlement here
// also you can check renew state if needed
// for example to check if user has canceled subscription and offer him a discount
when (premiumEntitlement.renewState) {
QEntitlementRenewState.NonRenewable -> {
// NonRenewable is the state of a consumable or non-consumable in-app purchase
QEntitlementRenewState.WillRenew -> {
// WillRenew is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
QEntitlementRenewState.BillingIssue -> {
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
QEntitlementRenewState.Canceled -> {
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
else -> {
override fun onError(error: QonversionError) {
// handle error here
try {
final Map<String, QEntitlement> entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements();
final premium = entitlements['premium'];
if (premium != null && premium.isActive) {
switch (premium.renewState) {
case QEntitlementRenewState.willRenew:
case QEntitlementRenewState.nonRenewable:
// .willRenew is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
// .nonRenewable is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case QEntitlementRenewState.billingIssue:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case QEntitlementRenewState.canceled:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
} catch (e) {
try {
const entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements();
const premiumEntitlement = entitlements.get('premium');
if (premiumEntitlement != null) {
switch (premiumEntitlement.renewState) {
case EntitlementRenewState.NON_RENEWABLE:
// NON_RENEWABLE is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case EntitlementRenewState.WILL_RENEW:
// WILL_RENEW is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
case EntitlementRenewState.CANCELED:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
case EntitlementRenewState.BILLING_ISSUE:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case EntitlementRenewState.UNKNOWN:
// We were unable to determine subscription renew state
} catch (e) {
// handle error here
Qonversion.GetSharedInstance().CheckEntitlements((entitlements, error) =>
if (error == null)
if (entitlements.TryGetValue("premium", out Entitlement premium) && premium.IsActive)
case QEntitlementRenewState.WillRenew:
case QEntitlementRenewState.NonRenewable:
// .willRenew is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
// .nonRenewable is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case QEntitlementRenewState.BillingIssue:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case QEntitlementRenewState.Canceled:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
// Handle the error
Debug.Log("Error" + error.ToString());
try {
const entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements();
const premiumEntitlement = entitlements.get('premium');
if (premiumEntitlement != null) {
switch (premiumEntitlement.renewState) {
case Qonversion.EntitlementRenewState.NON_RENEWABLE:
// NON_RENEWABLE is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case Qonversion.EntitlementRenewState.WILL_RENEW:
// WILL_RENEW is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
case Qonversion.EntitlementRenewState.CANCELED:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
case Qonversion.EntitlementRenewState.BILLING_ISSUE:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case Qonversion.EntitlementRenewState.UNKNOWN:
// We were unable to determine subscription renew state
} catch (e) {
// handle error here
try {
const entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements();
const premiumEntitlement = entitlements.get('premium');
if (premiumEntitlement != null) {
switch (premiumEntitlement.renewState) {
case EntitlementRenewState.NON_RENEWABLE:
// NON_RENEWABLE is the state of consumable/non-consumable IAPs that could unlock lifetime access
case EntitlementRenewState.WILL_RENEW:
// WILL_RENEW is the state of an auto-renewable subscription
case EntitlementRenewState.CANCELED:
// The user has turned off auto-renewal for the subscription, but the subscription has not expired yet.
// Prompt the user to resubscribe with a special offer.
case EntitlementRenewState.BILLING_ISSUE:
// Grace period: entitlement is active, but there was some billing issue.
// Prompt the user to update the payment method.
case EntitlementRenewState.UNKNOWN:
// We were unable to determine subscription renew state
} catch (e) {
// handle error here
The Entitlement Object
Var Name | Description |
| Qonversion entitlements ID. For example, premium |
| Boolean. |
| Source of the purchase via which the entitlement was activated. |
| Initial transaction date. For a subscription with a trial period, the date will be when the trial starts. |
| The trial start date for current entitlement. |
| The date of the first purchase. |
| The date of the last purchase. |
| The date when auto-renew for the subscription was disabled. |
| The expiration date for a subscription. |
| Identifier of the product from the Qonversion Dashboard |
| A renewal state of the subscription. It can have the following values: |
| Subscription renews count for the entitlement. Renews count starts from the second paid transaction.
| Grant type of entitlement
| The last activated offer code that unlocks the current entitlement. |
| An array of Transaction objects that contains information about transactions that unlocked current entitlement. |
The Transaction object
Var Name | Description |
| The original transaction identifier. |
| The transaction identifier. |
| The offer code that was used to get the transactions. |
| The date of the transaction. |
| The expiration date for the transaction. |
| The date when the transaction was revoked. This field represents the time and date the App Store refunded a transaction or revoked it from family sharing. |
| The environment of the transaction:
| Type of the ownership for the transaction:
| Type of the transaction:
Updated 4 days ago