App Store Privacy

Understand what data is being collected by Qonversion for App Store reporting purposes

You’ll need to provide information about your app’s privacy practices to submit new and update existing apps in App Store Connect, including the practices of third-party partners whose code you integrate into your app. This information is required starting December 8, 2020. You can learn more here.

We have prepared a short guide on data that Qonversion collects to help you provide the required information to the App Store Connect.

Below is the list of the data types that Apple requires to report. We have indicated if Qonversion collects any specific type of data.
App Store also requires to submit the purpose of data collection. You should select Analytics and App Functionality for the data types collected by Qonversion.

Data Type


Contact Info

Not collected by Qonversion.

  • *You can choose to use Qonversion User Properties
    to store user name, email,
    and other contact information.**

Health and Fitness

Not collected by Qonversion

Financial Info

Not collected by Qonversion


Not collected by Qonversion

Sensitive Info

Not collected by Qonversion


Not collected by Qonversion

User Content

Not collected by Qonversion

Browsing History

Not collected by Qonversion

Search History

Not collected by Qonversion


Qonversion collects User ID and Device ID.


Qonversion collects App Store purchases history

Usage Data

Not collected by Qonversion


Not collected by Qonversion

Other Data

Qonversion collects data on device OS, make, model, and resolution.