Android 4.+ migration guide

Upgrading version

Increase the dependency version in your app build.gradle file to upgrade your Qonversion SDK to the latest version

dependencies {    
     implementation ''


Qonversion Android SDK 4 contains significant changes in how the library is initialized. We are moving from a singletons approach to the instance-based one. Before, you initialized Qonversion using the launch call:

public class App : Application {
    override fun onCreate() {
        Qonversion.launch(this, "projectKey", false)
public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Qonversion.launch(this, "projectKey", false);

Now, instead, you should create a QonversionConfig object using nested Builder and provide it to initialization method as follows:

public class App : Application {
    override fun onCreate() {
        val qonversionConfig = QonversionConfig.Builder(
public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        final QonversionConfig qonversionConfig = new QonversionConfig.Builder(

Note that instead of providing the observeMode flag to the launch call, you should provide a concrete value from the QLaunchMode enum, depending on which mode you use Qonversion. Also, we've renamed our modes to make them more transparent for users:

  • "Observe" mode becomes "Analytics" mode,
  • "Infrastructure" mode becomes "Subscription Management" mode.

After the initialization, you can access the Qonversion instance whenever you want as follows:


So you should replace all your Qonversion calls with the construction above.

Also, if you were using Qonversion.setDebugMode() for testing purposes, you should now call the setEnvironment(QEnvironment.Sandbox) method of the QonversionConfig.Builder.

As no launch method is available anymore, you won't get QLaunchResult as a result. The good news is that there are analogues for all the fields you might have been using from there:

  • for uid, call userInfo() and get the QUser.qonversionId from the result,
  • for products call products(),
  • for offerings call offerings(),
  • for permissions call checkEntitlements(),
  • experiments field has no analogue, as the experiments method was removed for now.


We are on the way to renaming permissions to entitlements as this naming suits more what it is used for. So, the following objects and methods were renamed in this release:

Version <4Version 4+

The QEntitlement class contains the same information as the QPermission with small renamings.

  • permissionsID was renamed to id,
  • productID was renamed to productId,
  • isActive became a Kotlin property, so it should now be accessed as a property.

There is no setUpdatedPurchasesListener method in Qonversion. You should provide UpdatedEntitlementsListener to QonversionConfig.Builder during the initialization using the setUpdatedEntitlementsListener method.
The same change is made to the setPermissionsCacheLifetime method. Now you can set the required lifetime using QonversionConfig.Builder.setEntitlementsCacheLifetime while Qonversion initialization.

val qonversionConfig = QonversionConfig.Builder(
    .setEntitlementsUpdateListener(object : EntitlementsUpdateListener {
        override fun onEntitlementsUpdated(entitlements: Map<String, QEntitlement>) {
            // handle updated entitlements
final QonversionConfig qonversionConfig = new QonversionConfig.Builder(
        .setEntitlementsUpdateListener(entitlements -> {/* handle updated entitlements */})

Automation changes

We've also changed the way the Automations is used. As in Qonversion, you should use Automations via the shared instance. On the first access, it will be initialized and returned. Then the initialized instance will be used.


You should access the shared instance of Automations strictly after you initialize Qonversion, else an exception will be thrown.

public class App : Application {
    override fun onCreate() {
        val qonversionConfig = QonversionConfig.Builder(
public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        final QonversionConfig qonversionConfig = new QonversionConfig.Builder(

Also, the methods for working with push notifications were moved from Qonversion to Automations, so if you were using the following methods:

  • setNotificationsToken,
  • handleNotification,
  • getNotificationCustomPayload,
    make sure to make calls from the Automations instance instead of the Qonversion one.

Rest of the changes

Along with the changes described above, there are several technical improvements and other changes in the new major release:

  • all the internal classes and extensions are now marked as internal, so they won't be accessible from your code and won't pollute your project namespace (note that they are still accessible in java because of interoperability issues, but you should prevent using them as well). All these classes and extensions were moved to the internal package to make the library file structure more readable;
  • the deprecated methods resetUser, setUserId, and handleNotification(RemoteMessage) were removed.
    resetUser was deprecated for a long time, and it did nothing, so there is nothing to replace this call with, remove the method if you were still using it for some reason. setUserId should be replaced with the setProperty call with QUserProperties.CustomUserId parameter. Instead of using the handleNotification method, accepting RemoteMessage, call the method of the same name, accepting the data map ( Also note that the handleNotification(Map<String, String>) method was moved to the Automations class, as described above;
  • the firebase-messaging dependency causing resolution collisions was removed;
  • the experiments method was removed - we are now working on a new design of A/B experiments;
  • QEntitlementsCacheLifetime enum values are rewritten in CamelCase to match the rest code style;
  • the AttributionSource enum was renamed to QAttributionProvider and moved to the dto package;
  • the UserProperties enum was renamed to the QUserProperty enum and moved to the dto package;
  • the checkTrialIntroEligibilityForProductIds method was shortened to checkTrialIntroEligibility;
  • added the new method userInfo, which returns the information about the current Qonversion user. Now it contains internal Qonversion and identity identifiers. The user info may be extended in future releases;
  • added new enum values - QOfferingTag.Unknown and QTrialDuration.Unknown, which are used when parsing fails. QTrialDuration.Unknown is now a default value for the QProduct.trialDuration field, which is no longer nullable.