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Something went wrong on our end.Please try again

When you use the Android SDK to subscribe to product A and then call the updatePurchase API to subscribe to product B after the product expires, an error will occur: Something went wrong on our end. Please try again. Error callback information: QonversionError: {code=PlayStoreError, description=There was an issue with the Play Store service, additionalMessage=It is a proxy of the Google BillingClient error: ERROR. }


This method sometimes takes a long time to call back, and sometimes it doesn't call back, and I don't receive any information

[Unity] Entitlements map is empty on successful purchase(Sandbox)

Greetings, Is it expected that sandbox purchases have empty entitlements map? We should see what entitlements are received upon successful purchase, correct?

Entitlement on successful purchase has isActive set to false in sandbox mode

When running in sandbox mode will the isActive entitlement value always be false when a successful purchase is made?

I encountered an error

there is no information available for in-app purchases try again later 21104

Difficult to get correct IAP item status

I’m new to Qonversion. I previously implemented my own IAP which had 8 non-consumable items. In Qonversion I’ve setup everything (products, entitlements, offerings, Paywall, etc), integrated Qonversion into my Android Studio Java app, and I am able to show the Paywall, also able to get all entitlements and offerings. Here are my questions: 1. In Google Play Console, Order Management, I refunded all of my IAP’s except for 1, under my Test account (email). When I check on entitlements I get that all 8 items as active, nonrenewable, with a start date (original purchase), and the attached Transaction only shows the original purchase date. I would expect all items I refunded would be available to purchase and the 1 item I didn’t refund would be a valid previous purchase. Is there any way to get this information? 2. In using Paywall how can I get it to show that an item had previously been purchased (display “Installed”) instead of the price, which is displayed in the purchase button? All items that show up are available to purchase and show the purchase Price.

information about purchases is not coming

Hello! I have a problem, information about purchases is not coming, test orders are coming but the real ones are not coming. Tell me what could be the matter and what to look for?

Checking the data display when using test flight.

Checking the data display when using test flight. When I tested the application in debug mode via sand box the information was displayed in the analytics of your service, but as soon as I switched to testing via test flight by changing the settings to QEnvironment.production the data after making a purchase is not displayed in the analytics.

Purchase gets cancelled if app is closed after pending purchase starts
