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Empty entitlements after the product was purchased

After making a purchase qonversion doesn't return any entitlements, result of checkEntitlements() method is also empty object {}

SDK gives non-existing transactions

When checking the transactions from the SDK I get transactions that are not present in the website front panel for such user. The user has the subscription active both in the SDK and the front panel but its last payment is many months ago (the subscription is only for a month), and the made up transactions that are only shown in the SDK fill with 'phantom' transactions from the last payment to the current date as to show it is active. So I can not tell the user is not actually active from the SDK.

Incorrect isActive Field & Active Subscriptions Values Missmatch

Hello! When iterating all the users' database and checking their subscription status through the API we get 526 premium non-trial users, if we do the same through the SDK we get 210 and in the website's chart we see 236. All were checked at the same time.

Migration Support for StoreKit2


transaction not found in receipt error received during iOS purchase

I am currently experiencing an issue that I cannot fully understand. I can verify that all the appropriate products are being queried successfully and I can view their entitlements. I can even initiate a purchase through the native UI's confirmation modal. However during the callback of the native purchase modal, I receive an error transaction not found in receipt. Is this a problem with my sandbox user, or is it a separate issue entirely? I can see within my Developer tools on my device that I do have an active subscription, but Qonversion is not reflecting the same results.

Subscription status query problem

When we subscribe successfully and query through the checkEntitlements interface, the value of isActive is always false.

Qonversion requests timing out

We're using Qonversion for react-native.

Play Store keeps rejecting our app with a PlayStoreError SERVICE UNAVAILABLE error

We're trying to submit our app for the first time. It's never been submitted before. Several times now, the Play Store has rejected our app because the in-app subscription purchase flow returns a "PlayStoreError Failed to fetch products. It is a proxy of the Google BillingClient error: SERVICE UNAVAILABLE" error.

Is there a link in Google's "Data Security" that allows users to request deletion of data?

We filled in Google's "Data Security" and followed the steps provided on qonversion. When we selected "Do you provide users with a way to request deletion of their data?" as yes, Google asked us to add a link through which users can request deletion of their data. Does qonversion contain such a link?