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[Unity] Entitlements map is empty on successful purchase(Sandbox)


Entitlement on successful purchase has isActive set to false in sandbox mode

When running in sandbox mode will the isActive entitlement value always be false when a successful purchase is made?

I encountered an error

there is no information available for in-app purchases

Difficult to get correct IAP item status

I’m new to Qonversion. I previously implemented my own IAP which had 8 non-consumable items.

information about purchases is not coming

Hello! I have a problem, information about purchases is not coming, test orders are coming but the real ones are not coming. Tell me what could be the matter and what to look for?

Checking the data display when using test flight.

Checking the data display when using test flight. When I tested the application in debug mode via sand box the information was displayed in the analytics of your service, but as soon as I switched to testing via test flight by changing the settings to QEnvironment.production the data after making a purchase is not displayed in the analytics.

Purchase gets cancelled if app is closed after pending purchase starts


iOS entitlements error

Then I call checkEntitlements my Map is empty, why? I have 4 products there. Then I can't check my subscriptions.

Error when Purchase in product enviroment android Flutter

I already use flutter SDK ^8.2.0 but when i use any device android to purchase subscription, it always return Error. Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction, usse a different payment instrucment or contact us. I don't know any solution for this.