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information about purchases is not coming

Hello! I have a problem, information about purchases is not coming, test orders are coming but the real ones are not coming. Tell me what could be the matter and what to look for?

Checking the data display when using test flight.

Checking the data display when using test flight. When I tested the application in debug mode via sand box the information was displayed in the analytics of your service, but as soon as I switched to testing via test flight by changing the settings to QEnvironment.production the data after making a purchase is not displayed in the analytics.

Purchase gets cancelled if app is closed after pending purchase starts


Entitlements are empty on sandbox mode.

Hi, I have been integrated products and offerings successfully. After successful purchase, I can not get entitlements and as well as I could not fetch entitlements via checkEntitlements method too. I checked dashboard and entitlements, It seems they correctly set. I could not chance try it on production but in sandbox entitlements responses empty. I am not sure, is there any other reason, the troubleshooting page does not gives such details. Methods who I tried to get entitlements const entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().purchase(purchaseModel); and const entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements(); Thanks

Product details are empty or null

Hi, I am developing app with React Native with iOS env. I created my subscription packages into app store connect and qonversion.io dashboard. When I am fetching offers or products from app, I am receiving empty responses like that { "qonversionID": "weekly", "storeID": "weekly_subscription", "basePlanID": null, "skuDetails": null, "storeDetails": null, "skProduct": null, "offeringId": "subscriptionoffer", "subscriptionPeriod": null, "trialPeriod": null, "type": "Unknown", "prettyPrice": "" }, I am not sure what is reason of it. Do you have any ideas ?

iOS entitlements error

Then I call checkEntitlements my Map is empty, why? I have 4 products there. Then I can't check my subscriptions. Map\<String, QEntitlement> entitlements = await Qonversion.getSharedInstance().checkEntitlements();

Error when Purchase in product enviroment android Flutter

I already use flutter SDK ^8.2.0 but when i use any device android to purchase subscription, it always return Error. Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction, usse a different payment instrucment or contact us. I don't know any solution for this.

Offerings Issue

Hey can i purchase the multiple products from the same offering. Actually in my application now i am able to purhcase the multiple offerings so i have this question in my mind now

If app starts offline the products are not loaded

Is this something that we should be checking for or will Qonversion keep trying until it receives the products from the stores? Currently even if the app goes online afterwards we do not receive the callback that products were loaded