Is it possible to have multiple subscription of the same product in one app
same as title
Subscription Publishing API
Purchase not working in Live version
I switched environment from sendbox to production by using firebase remote config. But it was working fine in Test Flight testing & app store review version but suddenly it stoped! why? do we have any billing issue?
Swift - How to restore a specific purchase
Please explain how to purchase consumable products? thank you.
I did not find the documentation for purchasing consumable products here (https://documentation.qonversion.io/docs/non-subscription-purchases).
Qonversion.purchase returns with .canceled state in iOS SDK
Hi, I've recently integrated Qonversion iOS SDK. But we have a couple of issues with iOS Sandbox testing.
Is is possible to grant a permission directly from Qonversion?
Sometimes it comes up that our customer service department wants to grant access to someone for some amount of time, is that possible?
Subscription event Notifications
Can I get the notification using webhooks when my trial period is expired (Flutter Application)? What are the available notification events ? Can I test the notifications in Sandbox environment.
Automation: In app-Messages
Do we have "Automation: automated push notifications and no-code in-app messages" in flutter. Can I use Automated push notifications in flutter application?
Restore in-app purchases for different app accounts
I’m implementing in-app purchases (non-consumable) to my iOS app, and I’m stuck with restore purchases. When a user registers in my app, I create a user account (A) on my server. After the user buys an in-app purchase, I need to tie the account and iIAP (A+IAP). The question is - what if the user creates a new user account (A1) and restores the IAP? Will it unlock premium content for another user? (A1+IAP). If yes, how to fix that?