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Testing subscription in TestFlight

Hello, we've setup a subscription in appstoreconnect and added this information to Qonversion (added product, entitlement, app id, app-specific password – I double checked that everything configured correctly).

However, our subscription haven't passed review yet because we want to test it firstly in a TestFlight app. Questions:

  1. Is it possible to test a subscription with Qonversion in TestFlight that is not reviewed yet? (status of the subscription in appstoreconnect is "Prepare for Submission")
  2. If yes, what Qonversion environment should we use in TestFlight app that was built with production provisioning profile? Production or Sandbox?
  3. If no, what other ways to test a subscription in Testflight without passing an appstore review for the subscription? Do you have a tutorial that clears says what to do?

Currently, when we get a product from Qonversion sdk in react-native, we get this: {"qonversionID":"weekly_5days_trials","storeID":"app.yung.mobile.ios.general.weekly","type":"TRIAL","duration":"WEEKLY","skuDetails":null,"skProduct":null,"prettyPrice":"","trialDuration":"UNKNOWN"}
And when we try to purchase this product, we get a error "Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.qonversion.io error 2.)"

Thank you