Testing subscription in TestFlight
Hello, we've setup a subscription in appstoreconnect and added this information to Qonversion (added product, entitlement, app id, app-specific password – I double checked that everything configured correctly).
However, our subscription haven't passed review yet because we want to test it firstly in a TestFlight app. Questions:
- Is it possible to test a subscription with Qonversion in TestFlight that is not reviewed yet? (status of the subscription in appstoreconnect is "Prepare for Submission")
- If yes, what Qonversion environment should we use in TestFlight app that was built with production provisioning profile? Production or Sandbox?
- If no, what other ways to test a subscription in Testflight without passing an appstore review for the subscription? Do you have a tutorial that clears says what to do?
Currently, when we get a product from Qonversion sdk in react-native, we get this: {"qonversionID":"weekly_5days_trials","storeID":"app.yung.mobile.ios.general.weekly","type":"TRIAL","duration":"WEEKLY","skuDetails":null,"skProduct":null,"prettyPrice":"","trialDuration":"UNKNOWN"}
And when we try to purchase this product, we get a error "Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.qonversion.io error 2.)"
Thank you